[最も選択された] economically viable person 336250
Define Economically and Technically Feasible and Viable means capable of being provided (i) through technology which has been demonstrated to be feasible for its intended purpose;What makes any venture, strategy or plan viable is the desire the person has, intrinsically to do it Focus on existing hobbies, passions, loves, and then design a plan around THAT You may not have a Mercedes, but you will have, without a doubt forward movementMany governments undertake some form of economic viability analysis (also known as socioeconomic viability) to decide whether a proposed project is a good use of public resources A project is economically viable if the economic benefits of the project exceed its economic costs, when analyzed for society as a whole
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Economically viable person
Economically viable person- It's not economically viable to do socially distanced gigs Come forward now, the future is now We would like to publish a list of names of all those who are supporting the industryLet's get into the nittygritty of product viability analysis Here's how to evaluate a product for business potential 1 Do market research Start with online market research to scoop your market depth and competitiveness The easiest way to do so is by doing a SWOT analysis Conduct a SWOT Analysis
Each estimation considers a population size associated to average amounts of waste generated in order to determine the total potential of economically viable energy derived from the incinerationBeing Economically Viable in Today's Economy "Being the company of one" By Akosua K Albritton In 1993, Michael Douglas starred in Falling Down a movie with strong social commentary One short scene involved an AfricanAmerican man dressed in slacks, white shirt with rolled sleeves, top two buttons opened, and loosened neck tie Economically definition with economy or thrift ;
Ecological integrity ensures "that every person enjoys the benefits of clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment at home, at work, and at play" (PCSD, ) This goal is met, in part, through conserving natural resources and decreasing exposure to toxic substances and environmental hazards Her Name Was Margaret is a compelling, unputdownable and strangely optimistic book for many reasons, not the least being that Davy shows us there IS a way out, a way both humane and economically viable For that reason alone it's must reading The Concept of an Economically Viable Holding The above term was introduced in Sri Lanka by Dr BH Farmer in his work 'Pioneer Peasant Colonization in Ceylon' (1957) In this he defined an economically viable holding as one which is capable of producing enough food and income for a farm family The writer has questioned the logic as well
Thinking like a designer can transform the way organizations develop products, services, processes, and strategy This approach, which is known as design thinking, brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viableEconomically active person 从事经济活动的人士 economically underdeveloped areas 经济欠发达地区 economically feasible 经济可行 ;Is Scottish Independence economically viable?
Economically Viable synonyms 44 Words and Phrases for Economically Viable commercially viable cost effectiveness economic feasibility economic health economic profitability economic resilience economic soundness economic strengthThe economy of Africa consists of the trade, industry, agriculture, and human resources of the continentAs of 19, approximately 13 billion people were living in 54 countries in Africa Africa is a resourcerich continent Recent growth has been due to growth in sales in commodities, services, and manufacturing West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa in particular, areLeading economist Tony Mackay argues that a breakaway could hit exports and give everyone in the country less spending power Tony Mackay Saturday , 600pm, The Sunday Times There are many independent countries of similar size and geography to Scotland throughout the world
Economically viable definition Economic means concerned with the organization of the money, industry , and trade of a Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesWhat is more economically viable By the_hunteroz 15 years ago I need some help convincing people in HQ that it is more economically viable to spendCapabilities include a person's education, their health, their job status, their income, their security, scenarios of economically viable communities on Cape York This enables us to set out a longterm vision for what a real economy might look like in these remote communities
And (iii) in a manner which ensures that the System has a reasonable likelihood of being operated on reasonably profitable terms over the term of theWithout waste Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples I think this should make them more economically viable, whilst at least partially preserving the ideal of an independent fleet roaming where the winds and profits take them realitycheck economy trade ageofsail In generations a person might have, millions of descendants but only a handful left alive
Economically viable forest management is an absolute prerequisite for longterm sustainability MultiUn Use of a waste heat boiler for energy recovery, where technically and economically viable EurLex2 Objective of aid to make holdings more economically viable and diversify economic activities by EurLex2经济上合算 ability to shoulder economically 经济承受能力 economically advanced country 经济发达国家 economically affordable house 经济It is the home of Hollywood where films are made, the Mystique of a decadent city, a place like most cities where people live on top of one another and you are either economically viable or just another homeless person running around the streets of Santa Monica or anywhere in LA for that matter trying to scrounge for a buck or a morsel of food
Feasible 'the proposed investment was economically viable' More example sentences 'This view is not derived from a sense of optimism, but from a realisation that viable alternatives need to be developed to reduce car usage and pollution' 'I looked at the Dem candidates and realizedViable meaning 1 able to work as intended or able to succeed 2 able to continue to exist as or develop into a Learn moreRelated terms for economically viable synonyms, antonyms and sentences with economically viable Lists synonyms antonyms definitions examples thesaurus Parts of speech That's what an economically viable person looks like Adfree experience & advanced Chrome extension about examples terms privacy & cookie policy PRO subscription
Economically feasible means that a safer alternative does not significantly reduce the operating margin of the industrial facility, or the person who imports, manufactures, transports, processes, or distributes a substance for commercial purposes, or uses a substance in a commercial manufacturing or processing activity, as the case may be;Answer (1 of 5) For a running company or a new investment , the viability means that the returns are more than the cost of capital Otherwise , it is going to be loss making or even if it makes profit , it is less than a simple interest one earns from a bank , without much risk For a new inveAdjective 1 Capable of working successfully;
Synonyms for economically viable include selfsupporting, independent, selfreliant, selfsufficient, selfsustaining, selfcontained, selfdependent, selfstanding, selfsubsistent and selfsubsisting Find more similar words at wordhippocom!The auditors will decide whether or not the bank is economically viable Origin viable () Word of the day vote to show which person or party you want, or whether you support a plan, by marking a piece of paper, raising your hand etcOranges are my favorite food When they are in season, I eat 3 or more of them a day I did not know the bags of smallish, notsopretty Florida oranges were for juicing They are definitely my goto eating orange, though—at least whenever I can get them (since moving to rural Australia, I've had a hard time finding them)
Answer (1 of 6) 1% of revenue or profit?To any person, arising directly or indirectly from any act or omission, or for any consequences of any such act or industry in Australia clearly has the potential to grow and become more economically viable This project was funded from RIRDC Core Funds, which are provided by the Australian GovernmentEach person places his or her own worth on values such as family, job success, health, love, comfort, friendship, skills, and education Values are personal With the possible exception of criminal activity, there is no "right or wrong" when it comes to values and no two people spend their money in exactly the same way For instance, one person
Search economically viable and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso You can complete the definition of economically viable given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam WebsterFirst discussed as an economically viable dietary alternative to salmon as part of an effort to reduce costs However, the use of salmon only became popular in Europe and is commonly seen as having "lost the moral dimension of any fish," when considering the potential environmental benefits due to consuming too much fish Conservationist is often associated with conservation because(ii) in an operationally workable manner;
Economic viability means that market operation is sustainable regarding current and projected revenues The revenues will be greater than or equal to all current and planned expenditures In simple terms, any project or activity that can financially support itself is economically viable Using farming as an example, economic viability refers toFrom Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics Business economically ec‧o‧nom‧i‧cally / ˌekəˈnɒmɪkli, ˌiː$ ˈnɑː/ AWL adverb 1 B in a way that is related to systems of money, trade, or business In economically advanced countries, women marry later sentence adverb Economically, capitalism has transformed societies 2 CHEAP in a way that uses money, Falling Down Directed by Joel Schumacher With Michael Douglas, Robert Duvall, Barbara Hershey, Rachel Ticotin An ordinary man frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them
Define viable viable synonyms, viable pronunciation, viable translation, English dictionary definition of viable adj 1 Capable of success or continuing effectiveness;A viable national economyPracticable a viable plan;
Economic viability is a sustainability topic that is defined and assessed for in the hydropower sector by the Hydropower Sustainability Tools Economic viability is informed by financial analysis but takes a broader approach to costs and benefits than just financial considerationsBuilding Economically Viable Communities A Role for Community Developers December 09 Journal of the Community Development Society Fall 1990 (2)7487 DOI / AuthorsBeing economically viable doing Permaculture Design would be being successful as a Permaculture Designer Operating a successful enterprise that has been formed and informed (designed) with selected constraints in mindsuch as those constraints that a Permaculture Designer is likely to have in mind (obtain a yield, sustainability, ecologically
Manually, one enslaved person could pick the seeds out of 10 pounds of cotton in a day The cotton gin , which Whitney patented in 1794, could process 100I have seen income used interchangeably with both so I figured I would be certain I'll let someone else crunch the numbers and figure out how much we really are talking about here, but we also need to specify what constitutes those inEconomic viability of the processes at industrial scales depend on the complete cost of a CO 2 sorption process, entailing adsorbents, installation, plant commissioning, and operation costs In addition, fuel resources and the cost of CO 2 compression, transport, and storage are also important Factors for a sustainable CO 2 removal system include high capture capacity,